Expectations for the 2023 edition of LIGNA were at their highest, and we couldn’t have asked for more! During the challenging but exciting five days of Hannover international event we had the opportunity to meet all the partners we’ve been working together for years and thanks to whom we’re now able to follow and support customers all around the world.

Technical, sales and dealing networks allow us to be side by side with our clients since the very beginning of each project’s evolution, synergically working together in order to develop the one more suitable to every customer’s need. Not only CNCs, but winning ideas and solutions.

We didn’t miss the chance to exhibit some of our innovative NC-machining centers for woodworking: Poker V5, already well-known since we presented it at Xylexpo, has now become one of our finest solutions for those who need high performances combined with excellent quality; Diva Miter, an evolution of Diva range for jambs and angular pieces that perfectly represents how GREDA keeps on improving its customisation skills; and last but not least Venus V5, the upgraded version of an already patented CNC with multiple operating groups able to process up to 4 pieces simultaneously.

Furthermore, LIGNA 2023 was the perfect time for launching a significant new project for us: the Virtual Showroom! Users have the possibility to wander around the virtual version of our headquarters’ showroom in Italy and discover all the CNCs along with videos, brochures, and technical information.

That’s not the end: LIGNA represented a chance for team-building, too. Even if the team was numerically smaller than the actual corporate reality, we joined forces all day long and ended up with quality time and informal chats at dinner.

The energy LIGNA left us is not over and we’re working with even more dedication to reach new goals and carry out new projects.

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